Hide elements based on routing in Angular2 rc1 Hide elements based on routing in Angular2 rc1 typescript typescript

Hide elements based on routing in Angular2 rc1

Simply check the router.url in the template:


...constructor(public router: Router){}...


<div *ngIf="router.url != '/login'">    <h2>Not in login!</h2></div>

This is what I did for Angular2 RC5 router :

import {Router} from '@angular/router';public location = '' ;constructor(private  _router : Router) {        this.location = _router.url;}


<div *ngIf = "location == '/home' "></div>

Hope this helps !

I was able to find the syntax I needed for rc1 buried in a comment here: In Angular 2 how do you determine the active route?

<div *ngIf="!router.urlTree.contains(router.createUrlTree(['/login']))">