How can I define an AngularJS factory using TypeScript class that has constructor parameters How can I define an AngularJS factory using TypeScript class that has constructor parameters typescript typescript

How can I define an AngularJS factory using TypeScript class that has constructor parameters

The following is one way to achieve this:

class LogWithPrefixFactory {    static LogService;    constructor(prefix) {        this.prefix = prefix;    }    log = function(txt) {        // we have access to the injected LogService        LogService.log(this.prefix, txt);    }}angular.module('myModule', []).factory('LogWithPrefixFactory', ['LogService', function(LogService) {    LogWithPrefixFactory.LogService = LogService;    return LogWithPrefixFactory;}]);angular.module('myModule').controller('Ctrl', function(LogWithPrefixFactory) {    var foo = new LogWithPrefixFactory("My PREFIX");    var foo = new LogWithPrefixFactory("My OTHER PREFIX");});

Rational: You effectively want a static property in a the LogWithPrefixFactory (using a closure in JS) , and you want it to come from Angular.

There are at least 2 options.

First option, have LogWithPrefixFactory provide a method getInstance that returns the prefixed logger.

module services {  class LogService {    $window: any;    constructor($window: any) {      this.$window = $window;    }    log(prefix: string, txt: string) {      this.$window.alert(prefix + ' :: ' + txt);    }  }  angular.module('services').service('LogService', ['$window', LogService]);  export interface ILog {    log: (txt) => void;  }  export class LogWithPrefixFactory {    logService: LogService;    constructor(logService: LogService) {      this.logService = logService;    }    getInstance(prefix: string): ILog {      return {        log: (txt: string) => this.logService.log(prefix, txt);      }    }  }  angular.module('services').service('LogWithPrefixFactory', ['LogService', services.LogWithPrefixFactory]);}

Which can be used in the controller like:

this.log1 = logWithPrefixFactory.getInstance("prefix1");this.log2 = logWithPrefixFactory.getInstance("prefix2");

Complete plunker here.

Second option (similar to another answer), give Angular another function to be used as a constructor, which handles manually the LogService constructor injection (personally, I don't like static).

angular.module('services').service('LogWithPrefixFactory', ['LogService', function(logService) {    return function LogWithPrefixFactory(prefix) {      return new LogWithPrefix(prefix, logService);    };}]);

Which can be used in the controller like:

this.log1 = new LogWithPrefixFactory("prefix1");this.log2 = new LogWithPrefixFactory("prefix2");

or even:

this.log1 = LogWithPrefixFactory("prefix1");this.log2 = LogWithPrefixFactory("prefix2");

LogWithPrefixFactory is injected in the controller but it's not the TypeScript class constructor, it's the intermediate function which returns the actual instance of the class, after it has been "manually" injected with LogService.

Complete plunker here.

Note: These plunkers synchronously compile typescript on the browser. I have tested it only on Chrome. No guarantees that they'll work. Finally, I manually added a small part of angular.d.ts. Full file was very big and my proxy does not allow large POSTs.

I have achieved like below

module Dashboard {    export class LayoutServiceFactory {        static $inject = ["$q", "$http"];        private q: ng.IQService;        private http: ng.IHttpService;        constructor(private $q: ng.IQService, private $http: ng.IHttpService) {            this.q = $q;            this.http = $http;        }        getDataFromServer(serviceUrl) {            var deferred = this.q.defer();            this.http.get(serviceUrl, null)                .then(response => {                    deferred.resolve((response) as any);                });            return deferred.promise;        }        static factory() {            var instance = ($q: ng.IQService, $http: ng.IHttpService) =>                new LayoutServiceFactory($q, $http);            return instance;        }    }    appModule.factory("LayoutService", LayoutServiceFactory.factory());}