How to assign string | undefined to string in TypeScript? How to assign string | undefined to string in TypeScript? typescript typescript

How to assign string | undefined to string in TypeScript?

The typescript compiler performs strict null checks, which means you can't pass a string | undefined variable into a method that expects a string.

To fix this you have to perform an explicit check for undefined before calling luminaireReplaceLuminaire().

In your example:

private selectedSerialForReplace(): string | undefined {    return this.selectedSerials.pop();}luminaireReplaceLuminaire(params: {  "serial": string; "newserial": string; }, options?: any): FetchArgs {    ............}const serial = this.selectedSerialForReplace();if(serial !== undefined) {    luminaireReplaceLuminaire({serial, newserial: response.output});}

If you are sure that serial could not be undefined you can use the ! post-fix operator

luminaireReplaceLuminaire({serial: this.selectedSerialForReplace()!, newserial: response.output});