How to avoid hard coded this? in Decorators How to avoid hard coded this? in Decorators typescript typescript

How to avoid hard coded this? in Decorators

Don't use an arrow function. Use a function expression:

function log(target: Object, key: string, value: any) {    return {        value: function(...args: any[]) {            var a = => JSON.stringify(a)).join();            var result = value.value.apply(this, args);            var r = JSON.stringify(result);            console.log(`Call: ${key}(${a}) => ${r}`);            return result;        }    };}

That way it will use the function's this context instead of the value of this when log is called.

By the way, I would recommend editing the descriptor/value parameter and return that instead of overwriting it by returning a new descriptor. That way you keep the properties currently in the descriptor and won't overwrite what another decorator might have done to the descriptor:

function log(target: Object, key: string, descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<any>) {    var originalMethod = descriptor.value;    descriptor.value = function(...args: any[]) {        var a = => JSON.stringify(a)).join();        var result = originalMethod.apply(this, args);        var r = JSON.stringify(result);        console.log(`Call: ${key}(${a}) => ${r}`);        return result;    };    return descriptor;}

More details in this answer - See the "Bad vs Good" example under "Example - Without Arguments > Notes"

I believe you can use

var self = this;

in order to preserve the 'this' at that specific point. Then, just use self at the later point where you would have wanted that particular this