How To Change itemsPerPageLabel in mat-paginator in Angular 6+ How To Change itemsPerPageLabel in mat-paginator in Angular 6+ typescript typescript

How To Change itemsPerPageLabel in mat-paginator in Angular 6+

Create a new TypeScript file and add a function that is exported and returns a MatPaginatorIntl object.

To modify the labels and text displayed, create a new instance of MatPaginatorIntl and include it in a custom provider - Angular Material - Paginator > API


import { MatPaginatorIntl } from '@angular/material';export function CustomPaginator() {  const customPaginatorIntl = new MatPaginatorIntl();  customPaginatorIntl.itemsPerPageLabel = 'Custom_Label:';  return customPaginatorIntl;}

Then add it to app.module.ts:

import { MatPaginatorIntl } from '@angular/material';import { CustomPaginator } from './app/CustomPaginatorConfiguration';@NgModule({  // ...  providers: [    { provide: MatPaginatorIntl, useValue: CustomPaginator() }  ]})

You can also set the setting for a particular component like:

import { CustomPaginator } from './CustomPaginator';import { MatPaginatorIntl } from '@angular/material';/** * @title Paginator */@Component({  selector: 'your_component',  templateUrl: 'your_component.html',  providers: [    { provide: MatPaginatorIntl, useValue: CustomPaginator() }  // Here  ]})


 @ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: true }) paginator: MatPaginator;  ngOnInit() {    this.paginator._intl.itemsPerPageLabel="Test String";  }

After declaring paginator, this text can be modified in ngOnInit()

Another way to achieve the result.

App and component modules define MatPaginatorIntl as providers

  providers:[    MatPaginatorIntl  ]

Import MatPaginatorIntl, declare on the construtor and inside ngOnInit define the next text.

import { MatPaginator, MatPaginatorIntl } from '@angular/material/paginator';  constructor(    public _MatPaginatorIntl: MatPaginatorIntl  ) { }  ngOnInit() {    this._MatPaginatorIntl.itemsPerPageLabel = 'your custom text 1';    this._MatPaginatorIntl.firstPageLabel = 'your custom text 2';    this._MatPaginatorIntl.itemsPerPageLabel = 'your custom text 3';    this._MatPaginatorIntl.lastPageLabel = 'your custom text 4';    this._MatPaginatorIntl.nextPageLabel = 'your custom text 5';    this._MatPaginatorIntl.previousPageLabel = 'your custom text 6';   }