How to disable TypeScript warnings in VSCode? How to disable TypeScript warnings in VSCode? typescript typescript

How to disable TypeScript warnings in VSCode?

TypeScript and JavaScript validation can be turned off in VS Code with these two settings:

"typescript.validate.enable": false,"javascript.validate.enable": false,

Happy Coding

  1. open the command palette : CTRL + SHIFT + P

  2. open the file settings.json :

enter image description here

  1. add these 2 lines of code:

    "typescript.validate.enable": false,"javascript.validate.enable": false,

I was having a similar problem. I had an incorrect setting for typescript.tsdk in my user settings:

"typescript.tsdk": null

To fix it, you can either set the location to a valid location:

"typescript.tsdk": "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/typescript/lib",

or just remove the line from your settings if are not using Typescript.

If you need more detail, I found the VSCode docs to be very concise and easy to understand.