How to find missing Await on Async function calls in Node+Typescript+VSCode? How to find missing Await on Async function calls in Node+Typescript+VSCode? typescript typescript

How to find missing Await on Async function calls in Node+Typescript+VSCode?

TypeScript compiler doesn't provide a compiler option for that. However, TSLint 4.4 provides an option to detect floating promises. You can read this blog post for more detailed answer: Detect missing await in typescript

Download TSLint:

npm install -g tslint typescript

Configure TSLint:

{    "extends": "tslint:recommended",    "rules": {        "no-floating-promises": true    }}

Run TSLint:

tslint --project tsconfig.json

If there are floating promises in your code, you should see the following error:

ERROR: F:/Samples/index.ts[12, 5]: Promises must be handled appropriately

TypeScript already does this

// users is a Promise<T>const users = getUsers(); // <<< missing await// users.length is not a property of users... then and catch areconsole.log(users.length);

You can find situations where you won't be told about your mistake - where the types are compatible, for example I missed an await here:

function delay(ms: number) {    return new Promise<number>(function(resolve) {        setTimeout(() => {            resolve(5);        }, ms);    });}async function asyncAwait() {    let x = await delay(1000);    console.log(x);    let y = delay(1000);    console.log(y);    return 'Done';}asyncAwait().then((result) => console.log(result));

Because console.log doesn't cause any type incompatibility between my numbers and my promises, the compiler can't tell I have made a mistake.

The only solution here would be a type annotation... but if you're gonna forget an await, you're just as likely to forget a type annotation.

let y: number = delay(1000);