How to fix TypeScript errors when using Vuex mapGetters? How to fix TypeScript errors when using Vuex mapGetters? typescript typescript

How to fix TypeScript errors when using Vuex mapGetters?

I would recommend using vuex-class for decorators with Typescript.

But if you don't want the extra dependency, I believe using this['navCollapsed'] instead of this.navCollapsed should resolve the compilation error.

I faced the same problem and did the following:

declare module "vuex" {    interface TMapGetters {        <TGetters>(getterNames: Array<keyof TGetters>): Partial<TGetters>;    }    export const mapGetters: TMapGetters;}

Then in my store I define:

interface TGetters {    navCollapsed: boolean;}

Now in my component I can do:

type TThis = TGetters & TData & TMethods & TComputed & TProps;export default Vue.extend<TData, TMethods, TComputed, TProps>({    computed: {        ...mapGetters<TGetters>([            'navCollapsed',        ],        minimizerIconClass(this: TThis): string {            return `fa${this.navCollapsed ? '' : 'r'} fa-window-maximize`;        }    }}

Far from perfect, but it will detect typos in the array passed to mapGetters and it will allow you to use your (correctly typed) getter on this.

However, TypeScript will not know whether you actually did map the getter in question or not.