How to implement searching and filtering in Ionic How to implement searching and filtering in Ionic typescript typescript

How to implement searching and filtering in Ionic

You are doing it wrong.

  1. You do return It has no effect to yourorigin array ( It just return a new array and does not make change to See the filter function doc
  2. If you want to make change to your data you need to add: = But if you do like that, you will fall in other mistake. Your will lost some element after filter and it can not be revert when you reset the filter.

So you should do like that:
In your component:

allData = []; //Store all data from providerfilterData = [];//Store filtered dataionViewDidEnter(){  this.allData =;  this.filterData = this.allData;}setFilteredLocations(){    this.filterData = this.allData.filter((location) => {      return location.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.searchTerm.toLowerCase()) > -1;    });}

And in your template use filterData in ngFor:

<button ion-item *ngFor="let location of filterData">

Yo didn't send the $event here. So try as shown below.


 <ion-searchbar [(ngModel)]="searchTerm" (ionInput)="setFilteredLocations($event)"></ion-searchbar>


 setFilteredLocations(ev: any){    let val =;    if (val && val.trim() !== '') {      return this.locations.filterLocations(val);    }  }

You can see the official sample code here.