How to mock React Navigation's navigation prop for unit tests with TypeScript in React Native? How to mock React Navigation's navigation prop for unit tests with TypeScript in React Native? typescript typescript

How to mock React Navigation's navigation prop for unit tests with TypeScript in React Native?


The mock does not match the expected type so TypeScript reports an error.


You can use the type any "to opt-out of type-checking and let the values pass through compile-time checks".


As you mentioned, in JavaScript it works to mock only what is needed for the test.

In TypeScript the same mock will cause an error since it does not completely match the expected type.

In situations like these where you have a mock that you know does not match the expected type you can use any to allow the mock to pass through compile-time checks.

Here is an updated test:

import { LoadingScreen } from "./LoadingScreen";import { shallow, ShallowWrapper } from "enzyme";import React from "react";import { View } from "react-native";const createTestProps = (props: Object) => ({  navigation: {    navigate: jest.fn()  },  ...props});describe("LoadingScreen", () => {  describe("rendering", () => {    let wrapper: ShallowWrapper;    let props: any;   // use type "any" to opt-out of type-checking    beforeEach(() => {      props = createTestProps({});      wrapper = shallow(<LoadingScreen {...props} />);   // no compile-time error    });    it("should render a <View />", () => {      expect(wrapper.find(View)).toHaveLength(1);   // SUCCESS      expect(props.navigation.navigate).toHaveBeenCalledWith('LoginScreen');   // SUCCESS    });  });});

I'm not super happy with my solution, but I've started mocking only the properties of Navigation that are needed for a specific component, for example:

export function UserHomeScreen({    navigation,}: {    navigation: {        goBack: () => void;        navigate: NavigationFunction<UserStackParams, "AddPhoneNumber" | "ValidatePhoneNumber">;        setOptions: (options: { title: string }) => void;    };})

In the test, I can provide these as mocks:

const goBack = jest.fn();const navigate = jest.fn();const setOptions = jest.fn();renderer.create(<UserHomeScreen navigation={ { goBack, navigate, setOptions } } />)

The definition of NavigationFunction is a mouthful as well:

export type NavigationFunction<ParamsList, Routes extends keyof ParamsList> = <T extends Routes>(    target: Routes,    params?: ParamsList[T]) => void;

I've not been able to come up with a correct signature for Navigator's functions addListener and removeListener

For Typescript users, an alternative approach just for interests sake.

For those that don't like using any, here's a solution that utilises Typescript's Partial utility type and Type assertions (using 'as')

import { NavigationScreenProp } from "react-navigation";import SomeComponent from "./SomeComponent";type NavigationScreenPropAlias = NavigationScreenProp<{}>;describe("Some test spec", () => {    let navigation: Partial<NavigationScreenPropAlias>;    beforeEach(() => {        navigation = {            dispatch: jest.fn()        }    });    test("Test 1", () => {        const {} = render(<SomeComponent navigation={navigation as NavigationScreenPropAlias}/>);    });});

Using Partial, we enjoy our editor/IDE intellisense features, the type assertion 'the 'as' used in the navigation prop definition could be replaced with an any, I just don't like using any if I don't have to.

You could build on the fundamentals in this code snippet to the specific scenario laid out in the question.