How to setup Webpack so that will be able to use Pug in both Single File Components (.vue) and "vue-class-component" classes? How to setup Webpack so that will be able to use Pug in both Single File Components (.vue) and "vue-class-component" classes? typescript typescript

How to setup Webpack so that will be able to use Pug in both Single File Components (.vue) and "vue-class-component" classes?

According to Vue.js official documentation, to use vue-loader with pug-plain-loader, you need to configure loader rule as follows:

If you also intend to use it to import .pug files as HTML strings in JavaScript, you will need to chain raw-loader after the preprocessing loader. Note however adding raw-loader would break the usage in Vue components, so you need to have two rules, one of them targeting Vue files using a resourceQuery, the other one (fallback) targeting JavaScript imports:

// webpack.config.js -> module.rules{  test: /\.pug$/,  oneOf: [    // this applies to `<template lang="pug">` in Vue components    {      resourceQuery: /^\?vue/,      use: ['pug-plain-loader']    },    // this applies to pug imports inside JavaScript    {      use: ['raw-loader', 'pug-plain-loader']    }  ]}

The working solution is:

{    test: /\.pug$/,    oneOf: [{        resourceQuery: /^\?vue/,        use: ["pug-plain-loader"]    }, {        use: [            "html-loader",            "pug-html-loader"        ]    }]}