How to update props in vue component How to update props in vue component typescript typescript

How to update props in vue component

Take a look at the prop.sync modifier. It is made for exactly this kind of case where you want to update the parents value but pass it as a property to the child:

Basically you mark the prop as being sync'able:
<Checkbox :checked.sync="foo"></Checkbox>

And to update the parent you emit an update:prop event from the child:
this.$emit('update:checked', !this.checked)

This should get you started for your solution:

Answer originally edited into question by OP @Marek, copied here by the community.

I was able to resolve the problem. Solution was really similar to what @TommyF suggested.

Here is the solution:

<template><div>    <i v-if="!checked" class="fas fa-lock-open lock" @click="statusChanged()"></i>    <i v-if="checked" class="fas fa-lock lock" @click="statusChanged()"></i></div></template><script lang="ts">import Vue from 'vue';import { Prop } from 'vue/types/options';export default Vue.extend({    props: {        checked: {            type: Boolean as Prop<boolean>,        },    },    model: {        prop: 'checked',        event: 'click',    },    methods: {        statusChanged() {            this.$emit('click', !this.checked);        },    },});</script>