IDEA 14 - debugging typescript IDEA 14 - debugging typescript typescript typescript

IDEA 14 - debugging typescript

You have to install Jetbrains IDE Support extension for Chrome (I also allowed this extension on incognito - chrome://extensions) and a plugin named Javascript Debugger for Intellij Idea or Webstorm (it needs Spy-js and NodeJs plugins to be enabled also).

After that you just have to do a right click on your project's .html file and click on 'Debug your-html.html'

Update: Sourcemap files are needed to debug, while compiling typescript --sourcemap option must be set.

I just ran into this. However I am not working on a frontend project.. but it might help just as well.

To debug in intellij, I first compile my typescript files.

  • I defined tsconfig.json
  • I used tsc -p tsconfig.json to compile.

To make debugging work I did the following

  • Added "sourceMap": true to tsconfig.json

  • I ran the compiled js file

    ==> debug just works when I put a breakpoint in the ts file.

Let me know if this does not resolve your scenario, I will investigate an modify the answer.

This is the project I am working on for reference: