ionic 4 Storage Injection error: no provider ionic 4 Storage Injection error: no provider typescript typescript

ionic 4 Storage Injection error: no provider

I had the same problem... it resolved after adding the following lines in app.module.ts

import { IonicStorageModule } from '@ionic/storage';

add the same in imports section:

imports: [    BrowserModule,    HttpClientModule,    IonicModule.forRoot(),    IonicStorageModule.forRoot(),    AppRoutingModule  ]

For anyone else coming here from Google that's using PhpStorm, my issue was that, possibly because of the app.module import, the page I used storage on didn't auto-add the import statement. So my code went from looking like:

export class MyApp {  constructor(private storage: Storage) { }  ...  // set a key/value  storage.set('name', 'Max');  // Or to get a key/value pair  storage.get('age').then((val) => {    console.log('Your age is', val);  });}

To this:

import { Storage } from '@ionic/storage'; // This line added manually.export class MyApp {  constructor(private storage: Storage) { }  ...  // set a key/value  storage.set('name', 'Max');  // Or to get a key/value pair  storage.get('age').then((val) => {    console.log('Your age is', val);  });}

I have the same problem on No provider for Storage.

Yet my problem was my IDE auto-import only generated import { IonicStorageModule } from "@ionic/storage";. Problem fixed after adding Storage,. Which is not in your case, but hope to help other readers later.