Is it possible to add Authentication to access to NestJS' Swagger Explorer Is it possible to add Authentication to access to NestJS' Swagger Explorer typescript typescript

Is it possible to add Authentication to access to NestJS' Swagger Explorer


As per recent changes in DocumentBuilder methods, this how it worked for me. Sharing for the people who are using new versions.

const options = new DocumentBuilder().setTitle('My API').setDescription('API used for testing purpose').setVersion('1.0.0').setBasePath('api').addBearerAuth(  { type: 'http', scheme: 'bearer', bearerFormat: 'JWT' },  'access-token',).build();const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, options);

Update Also, please use @ApiBearerAuth() on your controller function to add auth.


access-token is the name for reference in swagger doc. Your token in the header will be passed as below:

curl -X GET "http://localhost:3004/test" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer test-token"

Just add .addBearerAuth() (without any parameters) to your swagger options

and @ApiBearerAuth() to your Controller methods

const options = new DocumentBuilder()    .setTitle('My App')    .setSchemes('https')    .setDescription('My App API documentation')    .setVersion('1.0')    .addBearerAuth()    .build()

Securing access to your Swagger with HTTP Basic Auth using NestJS with Express

First run npm i express-basic-auth then add the following to your main.{ts,js}:

// add importimport * as basicAuth from 'express-basic-auth';// ...// Sometime after NestFactory add this to add HTTP Basic Authapp.use(    ['/docs', '/docs-json'],    basicAuth({        challenge: true,        users: {            yourUserName: 'p4ssw0rd',        },    }),);// Your codeconst options = new DocumentBuilder()    .setTitle('My App')    .setSchemes('https')    .setDescription('My App API documentation')    .setVersion('1.0')    .build()const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, options)SwaggerModule.setup('docs', app, document, {    customSiteTitle: 'My App documentation',})// ...

With this in place you will be prompted on any of the /docs route with a HTTP Basic Auth prompt. We have to name /docs-json explicitly too, to protect the generated JSON OpenAPI file.

You should not put the credentials in your code/repository but rather in your .env and access via the ConfigService.

I have seen this solution first here.