Is it possible to use getters/setters in interface definition? Is it possible to use getters/setters in interface definition? typescript typescript

Is it possible to use getters/setters in interface definition?

You can specify the property on the interface, but you can't enforce whether getters and setters are used, like this:

interface IExample {    Name: string;}class Example implements IExample {    private _name: string = "Bob";    public get Name() {        return this._name;    }    public set Name(value) {        this._name = value;    }}var example = new Example();alert(example.Name);

In this example, the interface doesn't force the class to use getters and setters, I could have used a property instead (example below) - but the interface is supposed to hide these implementation details anyway as it is a promise to the calling code about what it can call.

interface IExample {    Name: string;}class Example implements IExample {    // this satisfies the interface just the same    public Name: string = "Bob";}var example = new Example();alert(example.Name);

And lastly, => is not allowed for class methods - you could start a discussion on Codeplex if you think there is a burning use case for it. Here is an example:

class Test {    // Yes    getName = () => 'Steve';    // No    getName() => 'Steve';    // No    get name() => 'Steve';}

To supplement the other answers, if your desire is to define a get value on an interface, you can use readonly:

interface Foo {  readonly value: number;}let foo: Foo = { value: 10 };foo.value = 20; //errorclass Bar implements Foo {  get value() {    return 10;  }}

but as far as I'm aware, and as others mentioned, there is no way currently to define a set-only property in the interface. You can, however, move the limitation to a run-time error (useful during the development cycle only):

interface Foo {  /* Set Only! */  value: number;}class Bar implements Foo {  _value:number;  set value(value: number) {    this._value = value;  }  get value() {    throw Error("Not Supported Exception");  }}

Not recommended practice; but an option.

First of all, Typescript only supports get and set syntax when targetting Ecmascript 5. To achieve this, you have to call the compiler with

tsc --target ES5

Interfaces do not support getters and setters. To get your code to compile you would have to change it to

interface I {     getName():string;}class C implements I {     getName():string {          return null;    }   }

What typescript does support is a special syntax for fields in constructors. In your case, you could have

interface I {    getName():string;}class C implements I {    constructor(public name: string) {    }    getName():string {        return name;    }}

Notice how class C does not specify the field name. It is actually declared using syntactic sugar public name: string in the constructor.

As Sohnee points out, the interface is actually supposed to hide any implementation details. In my example, I have chosen the interface to require a java-style getter method. However, you can also a property and then let the class decide how to implement the interface.