Jest test on typescript file syntax error: "interface is a reserved word in strict mode" Jest test on typescript file syntax error: "interface is a reserved word in strict mode" typescript typescript

Jest test on typescript file syntax error: "interface is a reserved word in strict mode"

Ok after I added this @babel/preset-typescript into my presets, that error went away:

"test": {  "presets": [    "@babel/preset-typescript",  // <---    [      "next/babel",      {        "preset-env": {          "modules": "commonjs"        }      }    ]  ],  "plugins": [    [      "styled-components",      {        "ssr": true,        "displayName": true      }    ]  ]}

In case just having the @babel/typescript preset does not work.You could try the following:

  1. Rename the failing test file to either .ts or .tsx depending on whether you have JSX in your test (in this case Astronaut.test.tsx)
  2. Update your jest config docs (in this case package.json), add
"moduleFileExtensions": [    "js",    "ts",    "tsx"],

your const declarion does not have a variable name.const variableName: Type = new Type()orconst variableName: Type;orconst variableName = new Type;