Masking a string Masking a string typescript typescript

Masking a string

You could replace each pattern part with the wanted data.

function format(value, pattern) {    var i = 0,        v = value.toString();    return pattern.replace(/#/g, _ => v[i++]);}console.log(format(123456789, '## ## ## ###'));

I needed one that masks any character with a "*", from the beginning or end of the string, so I wrote the following:

"use strict";module.exports = {  /**   * @param {string} str   * @param {string} maskChar   * @param {number} unmaskedLength   * @param {boolean} [maskFromStart]   * @returns {string}   */  mask(str, maskChar, unmaskedLength, maskFromStart = true) {    const maskStart = maskFromStart ? 0 : Math.max(0, unmaskedLength);    const maskEnd = maskFromStart ? Math.max(0, str.length - unmaskedLength) : str.length;    return str      .split("")      .map((char, index) => {        if (index >= maskStart && index < maskEnd) {          return maskChar;        }        else {          return char;        }      })      .join("");  },};