Mocking Express Request with Jest and Typescript using correct types Mocking Express Request with Jest and Typescript using correct types typescript typescript

Mocking Express Request with Jest and Typescript using correct types

Your mock data type doesn't have to perfectly fit the actual data.Well, it doesn't by definition. It's just a mock, right?

What you need is a type assertion. It's a way to tell TypeScript "Okay bro, I know what I'm doing here.".

This is not a production code, it's a test. You're probably even running it in watch mode. We can reject some type safety here without problem. TypeScript doesn't know it's a mock, but we do.

const mockRequest = {    body: {    firstName: 'J',    lastName: 'Doe',    email: '',    password: 'Abcd1234',    passwordConfirm: 'Abcd1234',    company: 'ABC Inc.',    },} as Request;

If something crashes during the test, because mockRequest isn't similar to Request enough, we'll know and we'll fix the mock, add some new properties etc.

If as Request doesn't work you can tell TypeScript "I REALLY know what I'm doing here" by asserting to any or unknown first and then to the type you need. It would look like

const x: number = "not a number :wink:" as any as number;

It's useful when we'd like to test that our code doesn't work well with bad input.

For your particular case -- mocking express Request -- there is jest-express to help you, if you can spare the node_modules size of course.

Seems like userRegister is the problem as @kschaer said. If you want that function to take in a Partial<Request> you can change userRegister to:

const userRegister = async (req: Partial<Request>, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => { /* snippet */ }

But since this is just for tests you could also cast mockRequest to the Request type like this:

const mockRequest = <Request>{  body: {    /* snippet */  }};

Hopefully that helps.