Optional JSX Props In a TSX/JSX Project Optional JSX Props In a TSX/JSX Project typescript typescript

Optional JSX Props In a TSX/JSX Project

One simplest option will be setting a default value for your optional props. As an example, if className is optional you can change your ComponentB.js to something like this.

const ComponentB = ({ children, className="", equalWidth }) => {  return (...)}

Also if you deconstruct your props in the function body instead of the signature TS will not complain about typings.

const ComponentB = (props) => {  const { children, className, equalWidth } = props;  return (...)}

Assuming that ComponentB.js is going to end up as a TypeScript component:

interface ComponentBProps {    children?: ReactNode;    className?: string;    equalWidth?: boolean;}const ComponentB = ({ children, className, equalWidth }: ComponentBProps) => {    // };

In the special case where all properties are optional, you could remove the ? from each property on the interface and use Partial<ComponentBProps>, but I guess that at least something will end up being a required prop.

If you want to keep ComponentB.js as it is, then an alternative solution is to create a type definitions file:

import { ReactNode, StatelessComponent } from "react";interface ComponentBProps {    children?: ReactNode    className?: string;    equalWidth?: boolean;}export const ComponentB: StatelessComponent<ComponentBProps>;

If you put in this the same directory as the JavaScript file and name is ComponentB.d.ts, then you should be able to import ComponentB in your TypeScript file.

The way I have written the definition assumes that the component is a named export, not the default, i.e. it is exported like export const ComponentB in the .js file.

(probably) working example: https://github.com/fenech/tsx-jsx