Pass custom props to Redux Form Field in TypeScript Pass custom props to Redux Form Field in TypeScript typescript typescript

Pass custom props to Redux Form Field in TypeScript

After some more experimenting on my side I found a solution to pass custom props:

<Field     name="myName"    props={{        type: 'text'    }}    component={myComponent}    {...{        myCustomProps1: 'myCustomProp1',        myCustomProps2: 'myCustomProp2'    }}/>

In myComponent you have your custom props on the root level of your properties:

const myComponent = (props) => {    return <div>{props.myCustomProp1 + " " props.myCustomProp2}</div>}

To pass custom props to Field component of Redux Form, you need to declare an interface of all the props you want to pass.

interface YourCustomProps {    myProp1: string;    myProp2: number;}

Now, use GenericField from Redux Form to make Field as YourCustomField to which you will be able to pass YourCustomProps

import { Field, GenericField } from 'redux-form';const YourCustomField = Field as new () => GenericField<YourCustomProps>;

Now you can pass custom props to YourCustomField as declared in the interface.

<YourCustomField    myProp1="Hi"    myProp2={123}    component={MaterialTextField}/>

This way you can pass anything as custom props such as react components as well! :)

I'm not a Typescript user, so I'm not sure how the type definitions work, but I found this thread about type definitions for Redux-form v6. In the end they link to this repository which is supposed to have (if I understand it correctly) updated type definitions.

I guess an alternative would be to switch to vanilla JS for this specific functionality. Or maybe it would be possible to define a function that takes your custom prop and then returns a component ready to take the Redux form props and merge them.

Edit: I've tried to illustrate the basic idea of the last suggestion, a so-called HOC (Higher Order Component), in the included code below.

const inputWithCustomFields = (customFields) => ComponentToGetExtraFields => (props) => {	const mergedProps = {...props, ...customFields};	return (<ComponentToGetExtraFields {...mergedProps} />);};const ComponentThatNeedsCustomStuff = ({myCustomField1, myCustomField2,}) => {	console.log('doing stuff with the custom props',myCustomField1, myCustomField2);	return (<div><h1>{myCustomField1 + myCustomField2}</h1><input {} /></div>);}const Parent = () => {  const myCustomFields = {     myCustomField1: "Hello, ",      myCustomField2: "world!",      value: 'can\'t change me',     onChange: () => { /* do nothing */ }   };  const MergedComponent  = inputWithCustomFields(myCustomFields)(ComponentThatNeedsCustomStuff);  return (<div>      <MergedComponent />    </div>);};ReactDOM.render(<Parent />, document.getElementById('root'));
<script src=""></script><script src=""></script><div id="root"></div>