Pass variable to custom component Pass variable to custom component typescript typescript

Pass variable to custom component

You need to add Input property to your component and then use property binding to pass value to it:

import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';@Component({    selector: 'my-custom-component',    templateUrl: './my-custom-component.html',    styleUrls: ['./my-custom-component.css']})export class MyCustomComponent {    @Input()    customTitle: string;    constructor() {        console.log('myCustomComponent');    }    ngOnInit() {        console.log(this.customTitle);    }}

And in your template:

<my-custom-component [customTitle]="yourVariable"></my-custom-component>

For more info, check out this page.

You can add an @Input() decorator to a property on your component.

export class MyCustomComponent {    constructor() {        console.log('myCustomComponent');    }    @Input() title: string;}<my-custom-component title="My Title"></my-custom-component>

or binding title from a variable 'theTitle'

<my-custom-component [title]="theTitle"></my-custom-component>

See the @Input()decorator documentation.