Passing context to template through ngOutletContext in Angular2 Passing context to template through ngOutletContext in Angular2 typescript typescript

Passing context to template through ngOutletContext in Angular2

After a long time, I made it.

Example with single value:

@Component({  selector: 'my-component',  providers: [],  template: `    <template [ngTemplateOutlet]="templ" [ngOutletContext]="{isVisible: true}">    </template>  `})export class MyElementComponent implements OnInit {    @ContentChild(TemplateRef) templ;    constructor(){}}<my-component>    <template let-isVisible="isVisible">        {{isVisible ? 'yes!' : 'no'}}    </template></my-component>

Example with loop:

@Component({  selector: 'my-component',  providers: [],  template: `    <div *ngFor="let element of data">        <template [ngTemplateOutlet]="templ" [ngOutletContext]="{element: element}">        </template>    </div>  `})export class MyElementComponent implements OnInit {    @ContentChild(TemplateRef) templ;    constructor(){ = [{name:'John'}, {name:'Jacob'}];    }}--- <my-component>    <template let-element="element">        {{}}    </template></my-component>



Heads up ngOutletContext is deprecated and renamed as ngTemplateOutletContext.

Search the change log for "NgTemplateOutlet#ngTemplateOutletContext"