Property 'share' does not exist on type 'Navigator' Property 'share' does not exist on type 'Navigator' typescript typescript

Property 'share' does not exist on type 'Navigator'

Based on this answer, you can try to define a variable of type any and assign to it your value of Type Navigator. The isssue is related to typeScript typings.

let newVariable: any;newVariable = window.navigator;if (newVariable && newVariable.share) {  newVariable.share({    title: 'title',    text: 'description',    url: '',  })    .then(() => console.log('Successful share'))    .catch((error) => console.log('Error sharing', error));} else {  alert('share not supported');}

Another option would be to extend the interface Navigator as it is suggested in the link I posted above.

For anyone looking for a proper answer, just add this to your global.d.ts file:

type ShareData = {    title? : string;    text? : string;    url? : string;};interface Navigator{    share? : (data? : ShareData) => Promise<void>;}

This properly reflects the level 1 API.

This also works and we don't need to create a newVariable.

if (window.navigator && window.navigator.share) {  window.navigator['share']({    title: 'title',    text: 'description',    url: '',  })    .then(() => console.log('Successful share'))    .catch((error) => console.log('Error sharing', error));} else {  alert('share not supported');}