Recommended way to implement Iterator<T> in Typescript, before ES6 [duplicate] Recommended way to implement Iterator<T> in Typescript, before ES6 [duplicate] typescript typescript

Recommended way to implement Iterator<T> in Typescript, before ES6 [duplicate]

This is a duplicate of: typescript: make class objects iterable, but here's an answer to ES5:

You want to use a ES6 feature:

One addition of ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) is not new syntax or a new built-in, but a protocol. This protocol can be implemented by any object respecting some conventions.

There are two protocols: The iterable protocol and the iterator protocol.

In a ES5 environment (compilation and/or runtime), and that's not something that you can do.
With that being said, you can get close enough because:

An object is an iterator when it knows how to access items from a collection one at a time, while keeping track of its current position within that sequence. In JavaScript an iterator is an object that provides a next() method which returns the next item in the sequence. This method returns an object with two properties: done and value.

So you can just return an object with a next method and it's an iterator:

class Counter /* implements Iterator<number> */ {    private counter = 0;    //public next(): IteratorResult<number> {    public next(): { done: boolean, value: number } {        return {            done: false,            value: this.counter++        }    }}let c = new Counter();console.log(; // 0console.log(; // 1console.log(; // 2

(code in playground)

The commented out parts will work with target ES6 but not when it's below that.
But if your runtime environment does support this feature then the compiled js will do the job just fine.