Require nodejs "child_process" with TypeScript, SystemJS and Electron Require nodejs "child_process" with TypeScript, SystemJS and Electron typescript typescript

Require nodejs "child_process" with TypeScript, SystemJS and Electron

Ok, after some research #L138 I have found the solution

You can use import as before

import * as child from 'child_process';var foo: child.ChildProcess = child.exec('');console.log(typeof foo.on);

But you should configure SystemJS to map the module to NodeJS.

System.config({  map: {    'child_process': '@node/child_process'  }});

That's it!

If the error message is 'Cannot find module 'child_process' or its corresponding type declarations' the answer is 'npm install @types/watch'

For me it worked with the callback to display the results.

import * as child from 'child_process'; var foo: child.ChildProcess = child.exec('dir', (error: string, stdout: string, stderr: string) => {            console.log(stdout);              });

I didn't add any mappings in SystemJS as I dont have any such configuration in the node application