Setting value of [(ngModel)] upon first page load in Angular 2 Setting value of [(ngModel)] upon first page load in Angular 2 typescript typescript

Setting value of [(ngModel)] upon first page load in Angular 2

So you want alertType should be set to the selected value, whether it could be from your provided options or from your defaultValue(first option).

this could be done by using AfterViewInit hook,

the modified code will be..

@Component({    selector: 'my-app',  directives:[     SelectComponent  ],  template : `<select ui-select        [options]="options"        [(ngModel)]="alertType"        [defaultValue]="'Select an alert Type'" #mySelect></select>{{alertType}}`})export class App implements AfterViewInit{  @ViewChild('mySelect', {read: ViewContainerRef}) mySelect;options = [    {id: 1, value: "item-1", selected: false},    {id: 2, value: "item-2", selected: true},//if all options will be false then defaultValue will be selected    {id: 3, value: "item-3", selected: false}];alertType: any; ngAfterViewInit() {    this.alertType = this.mySelect.element.nativeElement.value;  }}

I have created a plunker, check this!!

You could try it like so:

options = [    {id:1, value:"item-1"},    {id:2, value:"item-2"},    {id:3, value:"item-3"}];alertType: any = options[0].id;

For your new question, you could leverage the selected attribute in your ui-select component:

<option *ngIf="defaultValue" selected="true" value="-1">{{defaultValue}}</option>