Specify TypeScript output file name format Specify TypeScript output file name format typescript typescript

Specify TypeScript output file name format

To compile a single TypeScript file to .js with a custom name, use --outFile:

tsc MyCompany.ClassA.ts --outFile MyCompany.ClassA.generated.js

Compiling multiple files to the .generated.js pattern would require a bit more work. You could compile one at a time as in the tsc example above.

tsc A.ts --outFile A.generated.jstsc B.ts --outFile B.generated.js

Or you could use --outDir to collect the compiled files under standard names, and then rename them with your own script.

tsc --outDir ./generated# run script to rename ./generated/*.js to *.generated.js 

Note that --outFile and --outDir replace --out, which is deprecated:


The other answer here is good and comprehensive, but just to address this:

I took a look at the .tsconfig file but I couldn't find anything useful there

You can also set the outFile config in your .tsconfig.json under compilerOptions

{  "compilerOptions": {    "outFile": "./some/path/MyCompany.ClassA.generated.js",    ...  }}   

See this example in the documentation