trackBy with the async pipe trackBy with the async pipe typescript typescript

trackBy with the async pipe

The problem is that you reassign the stream via this.items = this.itemService.loadItems();. So your Observable items does not emit new values, which Angular would track with your trackBy funciton, rather than you change the reference of the items, causing angular to do a full reload.

So just change your addItem-function of your service to emit the updated values to your previously gotten Observable via loadItems. After that you simply call

addItem(text) {  this.itemService.addItem({text});}

Example of a service:

@Injectable()export class Service {    private items: Array<string> = [];    private items$ = new Subject<Array<string>>();    loadItems(): Observable<Array<string>>  {        return this.items$.asObservable();    }    addItem(text: string) {        this.items = [...this.items, text];        this.items$.next(this.items);    }}