ts-node ignores d.ts files while tsc successfully compiles the project ts-node ignores d.ts files while tsc successfully compiles the project typescript typescript

ts-node ignores d.ts files while tsc successfully compiles the project

I was having a similar problem, but I could not add --files, because I run ts-node by registering the module through mocha (i.e. mocha -r ts-node/register ...).

I could solve it by adding a files and a ts-node section to tsconfig.json like this:

// tsconfig.json{  "ts-node": {    "files": true  },  "files": [    "src/index.ts",    "src/global.d.ts"  ],  "compilerOptions":{    //...  }}

I hope somebody will find this useful.

ts-node --files src/boot.ts

ts-node in 7.0.0, default do not Load files from tsconfig.json on startup, you should specific --files

Here's How i fixed it. Add "nodemon --exec ts-node --files src/app.ts" to your dev script.

 "scripts": {    "start": "node dist/app.js",    "dev": "nodemon --exec ts-node --files src/app.ts",    "build": "tsc -p",    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"  },