@types/jest index.d.ts file returning error @types/jest index.d.ts file returning error typescript typescript

@types/jest index.d.ts file returning error

Try adding "skipLibCheck": true to tsconfig.json to skip type checking of all declaration (.d.ts) files.

EDIT: This is more of a "sledgehammer" workaround than an actual fix. As referenced in the other answer, this issue probably happens because the Jest typings were made for a newer TypeScript version than the one being used in the project. So the proper fix would be upgrading the project to a newer TS version.

I hope this is not too late and might be helpful to someone.

Instead of skipping all library checks, you can override the libraries you want. In our case that would be:@types/jest

As an alternative to setting
"skipLibCheck": true to tsconfig.json

you can create a new folder and file from your root:overrides/jest/index.d.tsand add

"compilerOptions": {    "typeRoots": [      "overrides",      "./node_modules/@types"    ]}

This would essentially override all the types check under the overrides folder and fallback to ./node_modules/@types except jest thanks to overrides/jest/index.d.ts file which can be empty.

I found this answer onhttps://medium.com/@elenasufieva/handling-type-declarations-clash-in-typescript-b05b10723f47

Updating typescript version to 3.3.4000 helped me.