Typescript async/await doesnt update AngularJS view Typescript async/await doesnt update AngularJS view typescript typescript

Typescript async/await doesnt update AngularJS view

The answers here are correct in that AngularJS does not know about the method so you need to 'tell' Angular about any values that have been updated.

Personally I'd use $q for asynchronous behaviour instead of using await as its "The Angular way".

You can wrap non Angular methods with $q quite easily i.e. [Note this is how I wrap all Google Maps functions as they all follow this pattern of passing in a callback to be notified of completion]

function doAThing(){    var defer = $q.defer();    // Note that this method takes a `parameter` and a callback function    someMethod(parameter, (someValue) => {        $q.resolve(someValue)    });    return defer.promise;}

You can then use it like so

this.doAThing().then(someValue => {    this.memberValue = someValue;});

However if you do wish to continue with await there is a better way than using $apply, in this case, and that it to use $digest. Like so

async testAsync() {   await this.$timeout(2000);   this.text = "Changed";   $scope.$digest(); <-- This is now much faster :)}

$scope.$digest is better in this case because $scope.$apply will perform dirty checking (Angulars method for change detection) for all bound values on all scopes, this can be expensive performance wise - especially if you have many bindings. $scope.$digest will, however, only perform checking on bound values within the current $scope making it much more performant.

This can be conveniently done with angular-async-await extension:

class SomeController {  constructor($async) {    this.testAsync = $async(this.testAsync.bind(this));  }  async testAsync() { ... }}

As it can be seen, all it does is wrapping promise-returning function with a wrapper that calls $rootScope.$apply() afterwards.

There is no reliable way to trigger digest automatically on async function, doing this would result in hacking both the framework and Promise implementation. There is no way to do this for native async function (TypeScript es2017 target), because it relies on internal promise implementation and not Promise global. More importantly, this way would be unacceptable because this is not a behaviour that is expected by default. A developer should have full control over it and assign this behaviour explicitly.

Given that testAsync is being called multiple times, and the only place where it is called is testsAsync, automatic digest in testAsync end would result in digest spam. While a proper way would be to trigger a digest once, after testsAsync.

In this case $async would be applied only to testsAsync and not to testAsync itself:

class SomeController {  constructor($async) {    this.testsAsync = $async(this.testsAsync.bind(this));  }  private async testAsync() { ... }  async testsAsync() {    await Promise.all([this.testAsync(1), this.testAsync(2), ...]);    ...  }}

I have examined the code of angular-async-await and It seems like they are using $rootScope.$apply() to digest the expression after the async promise is resolved.

This is not a good method. You can use AngularJS original $q and with a little trick, you can achieve the best performance.

First, create a function ( e.g., factory, method)

// inject $q ...const resolver=(asyncFunc)=>{    const deferred = $q.defer();    asyncFunc()      .then(deferred.resolve)      .catch(deferred.reject);    return deferred.promise;}

Now, you can use it in your for instance services.

getUserInfo=()=>{  return resolver(async()=>{    const userInfo=await fetch(...);    const userAddress= await fetch (...);    return {userInfo,userAddress};  });};

This is as efficient as using AngularJS $q and with minimal code.