Typescript autoinject in Aurelia Typescript autoinject in Aurelia typescript typescript

Typescript autoinject in Aurelia

How does @autoInject() work?

Before you need to aware of TypeScript's emitDecoratorMetadata flag causes the TypeScript compiler to polyfill the Metadata Reflection API and add a special decorator definition to the transpiled TypeScript code.

Aurelia's @autoInject() decorator consumes the type metadata created by TypeScript's decorator and applies it to the class in the same way that the @inject(...) decorator does.

Try like below and you need to enable the new option in the compilerOptions of Type Script.

TS Configuration:

{    "version": "1.5.1",    "compilerOptions": {        "target": "es5",        "module": "amd",        "declaration": false,        "noImplicitAny": false,        "removeComments": false,        "noLib": true,        "emitDecoratorMetadata": true    },    "filesGlob": [        "./**/*.ts",        "!./node_modules/**/*.ts"    ],    "files": [        // ...    ]}

Snippet Screenshot from Article:

enter image description here

Article about emitDecoratorMetadata:

Available Type Script Options:

You can do it with Gulp-Typescript as well with Gulp option

Options: https://github.com/ivogabe/gulp-typescript#options
GitHub Issue Thread: https://github.com/ivogabe/gulp-typescript/issues/100

Gulp Code Snippet: gulp.task('build-ts', [], function() {

  return gulp.src(paths.typescript)    .pipe(plumber())    .pipe(changed(paths.output, {extension: '.js'}))    .pipe(sourcemaps.init())    .pipe(ts({      declarationFiles: false,      noExternalResolve: true,      target: 'es5',      module: 'commonjs',      emitDecoratorMetadata: true,      typescript: typescript    }))    .pipe(sourcemaps.write())    .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.output));});

What exactly @autoinject & @inject contains ?

As per dependency-injection Library of the aurelia Framework.

    /**    * Decorator: Directs the TypeScript transpiler to write-out type metadata for the decorated class.    */    export function autoinject(potentialTarget?: any): any {      let deco = function(target) {        target.inject = metadata.getOwn(metadata.paramTypes, target) || _emptyParameters;      };      return potentialTarget ? deco(potentialTarget) : deco;    }    /**    * Decorator: Specifies the dependencies that should be injected by the DI Container into the decoratored class/function.    */    export function inject(...rest: any[]): any {      return function(target, key, descriptor) {        // if it's true then we injecting rest into function and not Class constructor        if (descriptor) {          const fn = descriptor.value;          fn.inject = rest;        } else {          target.inject = rest;        }      };    }

Source URL: https://github.com/aurelia/dependency-injection/blob/master/src/injection.js