typescript error - cannot find name 'process' typescript error - cannot find name 'process' typescript typescript

typescript error - cannot find name 'process'

Your new configuration looks right. Although, you probably have to restart typescript language server if it still uses previous version of the tsconfig. In order to do this in VS Code, you do Ctrl+Shift+P and Reload Window or TypeScript: Restart TS server if available.

Also you don't need tsc package in your dependencies, because it is deprecated now, and typescript package comes with tsc executable.

Make sure you have "types": ["node"] in your tsconfig.app.json file. Having it in tsconfig.json was not enough for me (Angular 12).

{  ...  "compilerOptions": {    ...    "types": ["node"]  }, ...}

Just to point out that it's the @types/node dev dependency that seems to be required to fix this issue. At least, that's what got rid of the error for me. – devklick Jul 8 at 8:42

pnpm i --save-dev @types/node