Typescript Error: TS2604 - How to fix? Typescript Error: TS2604 - How to fix? typescript typescript

Typescript Error: TS2604 - How to fix?

I think your problem is in how you import default exported class:

export default reduxForm(...

If you have it declared as above then you should import it like this:

import SimpleForm from '../components/GuestForm'

Otherwise you can remove 'default' and import it like this:

import {SimpleForm} from '../components/GuestForm' 

Hope this helps.

I can't comment on the answer above (from Amid), because I don't have enough reputation on StackOverflow, but his answer is correct.

I had the same issue:*** (82,14): error TS2604: JSX element type 'SlideForm' does not have any constructor call signatures.***

Here is my previous code:

export default class SliderForm extends React.Component<any, any> {...};

with the previous way of importing the class :

import * from SlideForm from '../../common/SliderForm';

This leads me to the same issue as yours.

So I changed the way I'm doing the import to this :

import SlideForm from '../../common/SliderForm';

And it solved my issue.