TypeScript - How to define model in combination with using mongoose populate? TypeScript - How to define model in combination with using mongoose populate? typescript typescript

TypeScript - How to define model in combination with using mongoose populate?

You need to use a type guard to narrow the type from Types.ObjectId | User to User...

If you are dealing with a User class, you can use this:

if (item.user instanceof User) {    console.log(item.user.name);} else {    // Otherwise, it is a Types.ObjectId}

If you have a structure that matches a User, but not an instance of a class (for example if User is an interface), you'll need a custom type guard:

function isUser(obj: User | any) : obj is User {    return (obj && obj.name && typeof obj.name === 'string');}

Which you can use with:

if (isUser(item.user)) {    console.log(item.user.name);} else {    // Otherwise, it is a Types.ObjectId}

If you don't want to check structures for this purpose, you could use a discriminated union.

Cast the item.user to User, when the user is populated.

ItemModel.findById(id).populate("user").then((item: Item) => {    console.log((<User>item.user).name);})

You can use PopulatedDoc type from the @types/mongoose lib. See mongoose.doc.