typescript interface dynamic param does not compile without any typescript interface dynamic param does not compile without any typescript typescript

typescript interface dynamic param does not compile without any

If you define an indexer all properties must conform to the return type of the interface. You could do the following:

export interface Aggr {    [name: string]: AggrEntry |Aggr;    filter?: Aggr;}

This is obviously not ideal as this allows other fields except filter to be of type Aggr.

Another option is to use a type definition instead of an interface, and use a intersection type:

export type Aggr  = {    [name: string]: AggrEntry;} & {    filter?: Aggr;}let test : Aggr;let foo = test.foo // foo is AggrEntrytest.filter // works, is of type Aggr

While we can access object fields as expected, creating an object of this type is a bit trickier. Creating an object literal with the filter field will yield a similar error to your original. We can use Object.assign to create an instance of the type using object literals:

let test : Aggr = Object.assign({    foo: new AggrEntry()}, {    filter: {        bar: new AggrEntry()    }});

Or we can create a dedicated function to help with creation, that uses Object.assign:

function createAggr(dynamicPart: {    [name: string]: AggrEntry;}, staticPart?: {    filter?: Aggr;}) {    return Object.assign(dynamicPart, staticPart);}let test : Aggr = createAggr({    foo: new AggrEntry()}, {    filter: {        bar: new AggrEntry()    }});