TypeScript - Module '"*.svg"' has no exported member 'ReactComponent TypeScript - Module '"*.svg"' has no exported member 'ReactComponent typescript typescript

TypeScript - Module '"*.svg"' has no exported member 'ReactComponent

You have export default content; But you are doing a named import (not a default import).


Change declaration to export the name you are importing:

declare module '*.svg' {  import React = require('react');  export const ReactComponent: React.FC<React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>>;  const src: string;  export default src;}


Recommend not using files in tsconfig.json. Instead just use include

2019 In addition to @basarat's answer: React.SFC is depracated now consider using React.FunctionComponent like:

declare module '*.svg' {    import React = require('react');    export const ReactComponent: React.FunctionComponent<React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>>;    const src: string;    export default src;}

You're naming the custom types as custom.ts.d and it should call custom.d.ts once the ts compiler is configured to process ts|tsx extensions.

After that, you should be able to reference it into your tsconfig.json include section just like this:

"include": ["custom.d.ts"]