TypeScript/TSLint: TSLint not recognizing root-relative imports via baseUrl TypeScript/TSLint: TSLint not recognizing root-relative imports via baseUrl typescript typescript

TypeScript/TSLint: TSLint not recognizing root-relative imports via baseUrl

Your base url is wrong:

Your tsconfig.json has to be set to:"baseurl": "./"

You dont need a baseurl in your tsconfig.app.ts, it should be removed.

As suggested in the comments the import paths should be updated as well. Add 'src/app' in front of the import path.

This applies if your structure is like following and you are running Angular 6:

 * project | - src | | - app (with app files like app.modules.ts) | | - tsconfig.app.json | - tsconfig.json

Maybe you tampered with the files, while trying to find out what's wrong.This is also the standard config of newly generated Angular projects.