Using Rollup for Angular 2's AoT compiler and importing Moment.js Using Rollup for Angular 2's AoT compiler and importing Moment.js typescript typescript

Using Rollup for Angular 2's AoT compiler and importing Moment.js

I have finally managed to get rid of both errors. Indeed to avoid:

Cannot call a namespace ('moment')

You need to use:

import moment from 'moment'

Then to avoid

"moment" has no default export

You have to add into your tsconfig.json (compilerOptions):

"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true

EDIT 17/11/2016

I also had to add the following to my rollup-config.js file:

plugins: [  nodeResolve({jsnext: true, module: true}),  commonjs({    include: [        'node_modules/rxjs/**',        'node_modules/moment/**'      ]    }  }),  uglify()]

I found a nice solution for the problem at hand:

Npm-install additional package moment-es6 which provides a default export.Then import from 'moment-es6' instead of from 'moment':

import moment from 'moment-es6';

  • For use with systemjs, add the following to the systemjs.config.js map section:
    'moment-es6': 'npm:moment-es6/index.js'

  • add 'node_modules/moment-es6/**' to the include's of your rollup configs commonjs section (rollup-plugin-commonjs)

Here is what I did to make work moment with typescript (at 2.1.6) and rollup (0.41.4).

  1. To import moment, keep the standard way:

    import * as moment from 'moment';

import moment from 'moment'; is non-standard for a package without a default export, it will result an error at runtime: moment_1.default is not a function

  1. In typescript use moment with by casting moment as any, and call the default function:

    var momentFunc = (moment as any).default ? (moment as any).default : moment;var newFormat = momentFunc(value).format( format );

moment(value).format(format) will result an error at rollup tree shaking: Cannot call a namespace ('moment')