Using Vuex 4 modules in Vue 3 with TypeScript, and how to fix cyclical dependency linting error? Using Vuex 4 modules in Vue 3 with TypeScript, and how to fix cyclical dependency linting error? typescript typescript

Using Vuex 4 modules in Vue 3 with TypeScript, and how to fix cyclical dependency linting error?

I have published a package to help with using Vuex 4 with Typescript. It's not perfect, but it covers 95% of the issues we had. Any feedback would be appreciated.

It requires TS 4.1+ for the template literal support.

FWIW the initial implementation was highly inspired by your start on modules, but expands that, and supports mapState/mapActions, etc with fully typed access. Requires TS 4.1 for the template literal support to allow fully safe namespaced access without magic strings.