VS Code Unverified Breakpoints VS Code Unverified Breakpoints typescript typescript

VS Code Unverified Breakpoints

For anyone who runs into this error, I was able to find a solution. The issue was the way I was launching the Node process, not the mapping of the source maps (which produces a different error).

To attach to the process, I launched it from the VS Code terminal like this:

node --inspect dist/server.js


{            "type": "node",            "request": "attach",            "name": "Attach by Process ID",            "processId": "${command:PickProcess}",            "protocol": "inspector",            "address": "localhost",            "port": 8080,            "restart": true,            "preLaunchTask": "npm: build",            "sourceMaps": true,            "outFiles" : [ "${workspaceRoot}/dist/**/*.js" ]        },

I was finding all the breakpoints I tried to set in one file got this problem, but non of the rest.

I was naming the file dispatcher.js with a lower case, but pulling it into node with:

const { Dispatcher } = require('./Dispatcher')

and the contents was a javascript class being exported as:

module.exports = { Dispatcher }

I encountered this problem using vscode 1.25

Looks like it's triggered when a breakpoint-containing source (.ts) is changed while Debug session is running. The breakpoints could be re-enabled by re-saving the source, or by re-togglig the breakpoint.

However if the source was changed, then debugging has to be restarted to be in-sync with the source.

This issue seems to spill into the Edit mode too, the breakpoints would remain "Unverified" even after leaving the Debug mode. Again, re-saving the source appears to re-enable the breakpoints in this case.