VS17 Resharper Complaining about React.Component VS17 Resharper Complaining about React.Component typescript typescript

VS17 Resharper Complaining about React.Component

In VisualStudio 2019 / Resharper 2019.1 you can now enable JSX syntax in JS files. You can do this by following these steps:

Extensions - Resharper - Options - JavaScript - Inspections - Enable JSX syntax in JS files: Always

I also changed my JavaScript language Level to ECMAScript 2016 but I think that is not necessary.

The current Resharper version (2017.1) only supports TypeScript 2.2. The React type definitions use generic parameter defaults, which is a TypeScript 2.3 feature and is not recognized properly by Resharper 2017.1. Resharper 2017.2 (currently in EAP) will support TypeScript 2.4.

In the meantime, I just turned off Resharper's JavaScript/TypeScript support (via Resharper => Options => Products and Features) and use the VS TypeScript language support. This works fine.