VueJS 3 Composition API and TypeScript type issue when passing props into setup: Property 'user' does not exist on type VueJS 3 Composition API and TypeScript type issue when passing props into setup: Property 'user' does not exist on type typescript typescript

VueJS 3 Composition API and TypeScript type issue when passing props into setup: Property 'user' does not exist on type

For validator and default in the prop declarations, the Vue docs prescribe either (1) using an arrow function, or (2) provide an explicit this parameter:


Because of a design limitation in TypeScript when it comes to type inference of function expressions, you have to be careful with validator and default values for objects and arrays:

import { defineComponent, PropType } from 'vue'interface Book {  title: string  year?: number}const Component = defineComponent({  props: {    bookA: {      type: Object as PropType<Book>,      // Make sure to use arrow functions      default: () => ({        title: 'Arrow Function Expression'      }),      validator: (book: Book) => !!book.title    },    bookB: {      type: Object as PropType<Book>,      // Or provide an explicit this parameter      default(this: void) {        return {          title: 'Function Expression'        }      },      validator(this: void, book: Book) {        return !!book.title      }    }  }})

Anders Hejlsberg, lead architect of TypeScript, explains the issue in a GitHub comment:

This is a design limitation. Similar to #38872. A[n] arrow function with no parameters is not context sensitive, but a function expression with no parameters is context sensitive because of the implicit this parameter. Anything that is context sensitive is excluded from the first phase of type inference, which is the phase that determines the types we'll use for contextually typed parameters. So, in the original example, when the value for the a property is an arrow function, we succeed in making an inference for A before we assign a contextual type to the a parameter of b. But when the value is a function expression, we make no inferences and the a parameter is given type unknown.

Original answer:

One of your props doesn't match the expected signature of PropOptions, which apparently breaks the type inference for the props argument in setup(). Specifically, TypeScript doesn't see that the signature of size.validator matches up with the type of PropOptions.validator for some reason.

Interestingly, if you change validator to an arrow function, the type inference for props succeeds:

export default defineComponent({  props: {    size: {      type: String,      required: false,      default: 'lg',      //validator: function (value: string) { /*...*/ },      validator: (value: string) => { /*...*/ },    },  }})