Warning: Cannot find parent tsconfig.json Warning: Cannot find parent tsconfig.json typescript typescript

Warning: Cannot find parent tsconfig.json

Try setting up include section in file tsconfig.json like in below image.
(Note that my project's root folder is frontend and my include section is frontend/**/*).

Of course you don't need to rename your project's root folder to frontend.
Only the naming should match.

It should take effect immediately after you save the tsconfig.json and open a .ts or .tsx file. If it doesn't try restarting the WebStorm/IDEA.

And don't forget to clear the error console before testing this solution. It might cache the previous messages.

P/S: I'm using WebStorm 2016.3.1.

enter image description here

If you were using webpack together with ts-loader the above solution would cause your builds to fail. If that was the case consider this approach instead.

enter image description here

problem is specific to TypeScript version being used (2.1.x); it is fixed in 2016.3. 2 EAP

Note: this answer refers to the issue specific to IDE (WebStorm, PHPStorm, IDEA) version 2016.3: it didn't work well with TypeScript 2.1.x, showing false warnings.If you see similar message (Cannot find parent tsconfig.json) in other IDE versions, it is likely a problem with your configuration: such messages are displayed if currently edited .ts file is not included in any tsconfig.json.

None of the above solutions worked for me, but I did stumble onto a tsconfig change that did. It seems the IDE is using different rules that tsc.

This did NOT work:

"include": ["./typings", "./src", "./test"],

This did work:

"include": ["./typings/**/*", "./src/**/*", "./test/**/*"],