WebStorm/PhpStorm double quotes in TypeScript auto import WebStorm/PhpStorm double quotes in TypeScript auto import typescript typescript

WebStorm/PhpStorm double quotes in TypeScript auto import

This behaviour is controlled by the following option:

  1. Settings/Preferences
  2. Editor | Code Style | TypeScript
  3. "Punctuation" tab | Generated code -> Quote marks

As of 2017.1 version it's on new Punctuation tab and options are named a bit differently:

enter image description here

Also if you would like to add automatic space between curly braces when adding imports like so

import { MyComponent } from './my.component';

you may check in tab Spaces | Whithin | ES6 import/export braces

In 2017-2019 this is how we do it:

  1. Go to settings
  2. Type Code style in search
  3. Select Typescript
  4. Go to Punctuation section
  5. Select single quotes

enter image description here