WebStorm & TypeScript: how to navigate to *.ts instead of *.d.ts WebStorm & TypeScript: how to navigate to *.ts instead of *.d.ts typescript typescript

WebStorm & TypeScript: how to navigate to *.ts instead of *.d.ts

UPDATE (Mar-20-2017):

As of WebStorm 2017.1, registering the *.d.ts pattern under the "Text" file type WORKS for me (Settings/Editor/File Types). Problem solved!

When I navigate to a file it always pulls up the *.d.ts type definition file instead of the source *.ts

Libraries normally ship with .js + .d.ts right next to each other. They may or may not ship with the source .ts files.

To find the ts files you need to see the library's node_modules/library/src or something like that. It may be there or might be .npmignored. Best thing to do is lookup the library on github / or whereever it is published from 🌹