What is best practice to create an AngularJS 1.5 component in Typescript? What is best practice to create an AngularJS 1.5 component in Typescript? typescript typescript

What is best practice to create an AngularJS 1.5 component in Typescript?

If you wanted to completely adopt an Angular 2 approach, you could use:


import { MyComponent } from './MyComponent';angular.module('myModule', [])  .component('myComponent', MyComponent);


import { Component } from './decorators';@Component({  bindings: {    prop: '<'  },  template: '<p>{{$ctrl.prop}}</p>'})export class MyComponent {   prop: string;   constructor(private $q: ng.IQService) {}   $onInit() {     // do something with this.prop or this.$q upon initialization   }}


/// <reference path="../typings/angularjs/angular.d.ts" />export const Component = (options: ng.IComponentOptions) => {  return controller => angular.extend(options, { controller });};

I am using a simple Typescript decorator to create the component

function Component(moduleOrName: string | ng.IModule, selector: string, options: {  controllerAs?: string,  template?: string,  templateUrl?: string}) {  return (controller: Function) => {    var module = typeof moduleOrName === "string"      ? angular.module(moduleOrName)      : moduleOrName;    module.component(selector, angular.extend(options, { controller: controller }));  }}

so I can use it like this

@Component(app, 'testComponent', {  controllerAs: 'ct',  template: `    <pre>{{ct}}</pre>    <div>      <input type="text" ng-model="ct.count">      <button type="button" ng-click="ct.decrement();">-</button>      <button type="button" ng-click="ct.increment();">+</button>    </div>  `})class CounterTest {  count = 0;  increment() {    this.count++;  }  decrement() {    this.count--;  }}

You can try a working jsbin here http://jsbin.com/jipacoxeki/edit?html,js,output

This is the pattern I use:


import {ZippyController} from './ZippyController';export class ZippyComponent implements ng.IComponentOptions {    public bindings: {        bungle: '<',        george: '<'    };    public transclude: boolean = false;    public controller: Function = ZippyController;    public controllerAs: string = 'vm';     public template: string = require('./Zippy.html');}


export class ZippyController {    bungle: string;    george: Array<number>;    static $inject = ['$timeout'];    constructor (private $timeout: ng.ITimeoutService) {    }}


<div class="zippy">    {{vm.bungle}}    <span ng-repeat="item in vm.george">{{item}}</span></div>


import {ZippyComponent} from './components/Zippy/ZippyComponent';angular.module('my.app', [])    .component('myZippy', new ZippyComponent());