What’s the difference between remove and delete? What’s the difference between remove and delete? typescript typescript

What’s the difference between remove and delete?

From Repo:

  • remove - Removes a given entity or array of entities. It removes all given entities in a single transaction (in the case of entity, manager is not transactional).


await repository.remove(user);await repository.remove([    category1,    category2,    category3]);
  • delete - Deletes entities by entity id, ids or given conditions:


await repository.delete(1);await repository.delete([1, 2, 3]);await repository.delete({ firstName: "Timber" });

As stated in example here:

import {getConnection} from "typeorm";await getConnection()    .createQueryBuilder()    .delete()    .from(User)    .where("id = :id", { id: 1 })    .execute();

Which means you should use remove if it contains an array of Entities.

While you should use delete if you know the condition.

Additionally, as @James stated in comment Entity Listener such as @BeforeRemove and @AfterRemove listeners only triggered when the entity is removed using repository.remove.

Similarly, @BeforeInsert, @AfterInsert, @BeforeUpdate, @AfterUpdate only triggered when the entity is inserted/updated using repository.save.

Source: Entity Listeners and Subscribers