bash command to repeatedly emulate keypress on a proceess bash command to repeatedly emulate keypress on a proceess unix unix

bash command to repeatedly emulate keypress on a proceess

Maybe the ultimate 'yes man' program will do what you need - the program is called 'yes' and repeatedly generates the same input line over and over.

yes ok | recalcitrant.php 

This will send 'ok' plus newline to the recalcitrant PHP frequently. It is rate-limited by the speed at which the receiving program reads its inputs. It is available in the GNU utilities, and on most other Unix-based platforms.

If you need any intelligence in the processing, though, then the Tcl-based 'expect'

Note, you can get rid of the infinite loop:

spawn /usr/local/bin/nmap -A -T4 -p 21-100 localhostexpect arting {sleep 3; send \r}expect {    "done;" {        sleep 3        send \r        exp_continue    }    eof}puts "finished"

Are you sure you need the sleeps? They can usually be avoided by using -regexp matching with the expect command.

Helpful Expect tip: while developing, use exp_internal 1 to verbosely see how your patterns are matching the command output.